
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Vacations to Friends

Since my wife and I have been married, we have taken vacations to various parts of the country and world.  One of the best ways we have found to take vacations is to spend time at friends houses living with them.  This goes a little bit with the previous post "Communal Living" but on a much more short term basis.  We have vacationed to friends in Colorado, North Carolina, Florida, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Ohio, and Alabama.  We even vacationed to friends in Nakuru, Kenya, but we were also in Kenya.  Here are some reasons why vacationing to friends is a good possibility.
1.  Save $1000 in housing.
2.  Develop deeper friendships.
3.  With locals who know the place way better than you do.
4.  Could get you thinking about communal living.
5.  You can spend extra money on food - in our family we like food.
6.  Did I mention that you save a lot of money?
7.  Your kids have other kids to play with if your friends have kids.
8.  Usually the friends you go and visit would absolutely love to have you stay with them.
9.  If you want to vacation in Indiana, give us a call.
10.  Building the church is building relationships.


  1. as this photo reminds me:

    11. You can share everything in common, even a horrible vomitous illness, and still love each other deeply.

  2. too true too true. vomit brings out so much in us. . .
