10. Snow-cream. No this is not the real thing, but it is quite the experience and can be quite fun.
9. Eating homemade ice cream, very makeshift, in a rural village in Kenya. No, it was not that good at all, but it was better than nothing. Some entrepreneur is missing out on the rural Africa ice cream truck market.
8. Eating ice cream at the dining commons of the college I went to. The best thing was I could eat ice cream every lunch and every dinner (soft serve). Why did they not have it on for breakfast? Good question, that's why I skipped breakfast.
7. My second date with my now-wife was to an ice cream place, Ivanhoes. It is probably the best ice cream place in the world. I don't remember the ice cream much though because I was enamored with the woman across the table. I am so glad she shares my love for ice cream.
6. Any Cold Stone Creamery experience, and I confess that there have been too many to count on my phalanges. I love Cold Stone Creamery. My favorite there was Giardhellis Chocolate.
5. Eating a Snicker's Ice Cream bar on the way to Nairobi. There is nothing like going without ice cream that makes you appreciate it so much.
4. Coffee ice cream in Florida when I was young. Wow. Two good things wrapped up into one.
3. Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cakes - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
2. "I'll buy if you'll fly." That is what my dad has said to me numerous times throughout my life, because he too loves ice cream (maybe even more than me if that is possible). Free ice cream is hard to beat - all you gotta do is go get it. (If you are easily grossed out do not read #1).
1. The TRAY. This truly deserves its own post and I will try to remember to re-post this as its own Christian family idea because every Christian family should do a TRAY together. Here is what a TRAY is: Take a large tray and place it under a soft serve three way dispenser (you know, choc, vanilla, and in the middle a swirl). Pull all three levers down for a very long time. Load up every topping you can find - chocolate chips, crushed oreos, even sugar cones - on top of the ice cream so that the tray is one huge ice cream feast. By the way I learned this in college. Then gather the whole family around and everybody eat, but you cannot use your hands and no spoons either - just stick your face in it.
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