
Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Avengers and Spiritual Warfare

I took my oldest son to see the Avengers with Captain America, Ironman, the Hulk, etc., and thought it was an okay movie.  But the more I thought about the fighting, which it is a fighting movie, the more I thought about how the Avengers may say some interesting things about Spiritual Warfare.  So I have three thoughts on what the Avengers may say about Spiritual Warfare, and here they are.
1.        Your most treasured possession could be the entry point for the enemy.  In the movie this tesserect thing, I probably spelled it wrong, provided renewable energy and it was set to help the energy crisis, and it was also being used to create weapons, of defense of course.  What I rely on, love, trust, cherish – those will be the things that Satan would use to draw me away from God.  Things that may even be good he will use to twist and pervert and draw me away from the Maker of all good things.
2.       A united front is the best strategy.  In the movie the superheroes were fighting each other until they finally rallied together against the enemy.  The enemy’s strategy was to divide them.  As the Body of Christ, as we stand together in unity we find we are the strongest.  As the body of Christ is divided, Satan wins.  Oftentimes the battle simply consists of maintaining a united front. “Stand” (Paul in Ephesians). 
3.       Those fighting the war are often blamed.  At the end of the movie people want the Avengers to pay for all the bad that happened in the movie, even though the Avengers averted much more disaster.  When we enter into spiritual warfare there are some outside and inside the Body of Christ who would place blame on those entering into Spiritual Warfare.  “What are you doing ministering to child molesters?!?!”  “Why is everything a spiritual attack to you?  Let boys be boys!  That never hurt anything.”  “This is your fault that all of this stuff came to the surface!  It would have been better if it would have stayed buried and hidden.” 

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