I first heard Keith Green when someone at the college I went to sang “Rushing Wind” in chapel. It was not long before I started listening to my neighbor’s Keith Green CDs, and “Asleep in the Light” hit me. Keith Green is not Christian Music mush. Keith Green had a deep passion for Jesus Christ. He lived following Jesus, and he died in a tragic plane crash in which two of his children also died. Melody Green, Keith’s wife, has a website called Last Days Ministries in which you can order music and other stuff. My favorite Keith Green song is “When I hear the praises start,” a song Keith said the Lord gave to him, as if the Lord were singing it to him. “My son, my son, why are you striving, you can’t add one thing to what’s been done for you, cause I did it all when I was dying, rest in your faith my peace will come to you, for when I hear the praises start, my son, I want to rain upon you, blessings that will fill your heart, oh I see no stain upon you, because you are my child and you know me, to me you’re only holy, nothing that you’ve done remains, only what you do in me.”

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