
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Christian Music #10 A New Song

Psalms often says, "Sing a new song to the Lord," inspiring Chris Tomlin, Kirk Franklin, Fanny Crosby, and many others to write new music and for many of us to sing new music.

What song will I sing today?  Do I have a song in my heart to the Lord?  Will He put a song in my heart?  Often, although not always, this happens.

One idea is to just start singing to God, making up the words and music as you go.

So here I go, singing a new song now. . .

Jesus Christ, you are my only hope, you are all I ever want, you are my life, you are the Word shut up in my bones, Oh, how you love me so much more than I could ever love you back, you love me and have always loved me and will always love me.  Today I sing this song to you, you are the King of this day, I do not need to fear anything, guns or mental illness or war or elections or sickness or death, you are stronger than everything.

To you, the reader, that song probably is not on your top ten list, but it was a good exercise in practice for me, knowing that One Day, all our songs will be new as we will see Him face to face and sing to Him anew.


  1. I woke up this morning singing trust and I lay there completing as much of the song as I could remember...... It hit me how much this is what I need most right trust HIM and to just be obedient to today that is the song in my heart <3

  2. I woke up this morning singing trust and I lay there completing as much of the song as I could remember...... It hit me how much this is what I need most right trust HIM and to just be obedient to today that is the song in my heart <3
