The Bible is full of snakes, similar to Kenya, many of them poisonous as well. I compiled a top ten list of snakes in the Bible. If you disagree that is fine, because I may disagree with myself as well.
10. Nahash the Ammonite. (1 Samuel 11) Nahash mean snake and wow was he a snake.
9. The Disciple of Jesus. (Matthew 10) They were to be wise as serpents.
8. The Pharisees (Matthew 23) "You brood of vipers" said Jesus.
7. The Lying Tongue (Psalm 58) We all are liars, with a snake in our mouth
6. Paul's Viper (Acts 28) Paul gets bit and lives.
5. The wilderness snakes (Numbers 21) The poisonous snakes sent by God to kill His people
4. Moses' snake (Exodus 4 and 7) Moses rod turns to snake then back to rod.
3. The Leviathan (Isaiah 27) The serpentine sea monster God defeated.
2. THE Snake (Genesis 3 and Revelation 12 and 20) Our enemy who decieves us, lies to us, but who is finally defeated by Jesus Christ.
1. The Bronze Serpent (Numbers 21, 2 Kings 18, John 3) When the #5 Snakes were killing God's people He also rejected their prayer to take them away. Instead he instructed Moses to lift a bronze snake, symbol of their enemy and destruction, on a pole and whoever looked upon it will live. Later it had to be smashed because people worshiped it. But then much later Jesus spoke of that snake, and used the picture of the snake on a pole as a picture of Himself on a cross. The symbol of death (capital punishment through crucifixion) being the way to life. Jesus taking on the evil and wickedness of the world in order to heal all who look to Him. That is why the number one snake in the Bible is not Satan, the Devil, but is Christ, the one who became the snake on a pole so that we would be healed from the poisonous bite of every other snake, even THE Snake.
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