No other gods is the four and centerpiece of the T.R.I.N.I.T.Y. prayer acronym (see earlier posts).
This is the time where we commit to only serving the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We want to purge all other gods. We want to throw them in the trash. It may be my iPhone, pornography, a TV show, financial data, news, a person, my personality, or a thousand other things. What in my life am I paying a lot of attention to? My dogs look to me for their next move, always following me around waiting for me to act. Am I that devoted to Christ, always yearning to see his next move and being in readiness to act with him. What is it that is getting in the way? This could be something bad or something not bad - it might even be something great, like the Bible! Don't be afraid to ask God what is getting in the way of your relationship with Him.
Your idea: make a list of the top ten idols historically in your life, and ask God to purge you from worshiping them, and if need be, destroy them. Write your one idol on a piece of paper and burn the paper. If it fits, burn the idol. Please do not burn the idol if the idol is a person or an animal.
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