
Sunday, March 3, 2013

the discipline of silence

the bible says that God said, "Let there be light." and there was light, so it seems that God speaks.  I myself have heard God, though not audibly, but "heard" Him speak to me.  But it is not as common as I would like. I wonder, is it because the radio is on too much or because I cannot shut my mouth.

Idea 1.  go on a audio-fast, even a techno-fast, not listening or watching things but listening to silence, in order to tune myself more to the God who still speaks.

Idea 2.  speak no out loud words for one day.  i did this once in college and it was really hard, but i think now to do it would be almost impossible.  Maybe for three hours even.  Some of you reading this are those who speak few words and this would be easy, and others of you, like me, would find this very hard.

Idea 3.  During your prayer time, spend some time without praying out loud, but asking the question, "God, what do you want to say to me?" and then listening to what he may say, for 5 minutes, 15 minutes, etc.

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