
Monday, July 13, 2015

Christian Music #4 Taylor Worship

Continuing my posts on Christian Music, one of the other influential things for me was Taylor Chapel, and worshipping at Taylor University, where I went to college.  Taylor Chapels introduced me to Keith Green, and to worshipping God as young adults.

Worshipping together in groups, whether big or small, has been a great help in walking with Jesus and the others who follow Him.  There is something about worshipping Jesus Christ together.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Christian Music #3 Summer's Best Two Weeks

Continuing my posts on Christian Music I was heavily influenced by Summer Camp Music.  The Summer camp I went to was called Summer's Best Two Weeks.  We sand songs to Jesus.  We sang YMCA while washing the tables.  We cheered.  This is when Christian Music came alive to me and that I found something out that many have not.  Partying with drugs will only go so far.  Partying with Jesus Christ (without drugs) has no limit.  

Even though no campers are here, I still remember Kent when I was a camper.  Takes me back....

Monday, July 6, 2015

Christian Music #2 Rich Mullins

Continuing my ten posts on Christian Music, I was influenced early in my Christian life with Rich Mullins, a man from Richmond, IN near where I live.  Although it is hard, I will list my top ten favorite Rich Mullins songs.

1.  Hard to get
this song was honest about struggles in death that I needed and still need.  Honesty in worship is so needed if we are to reflect our song book, the book of Psalms.

2.  My one thing

3.  Land of my Sojourn

4.  Sometimes by step

I sand this while climbing Mt. Kenya.

5.  We are not as strong as we think we are.

6.  Creed

this is the apostles creed.  so good.

7.  Hold Me Jesus (Sorry this should have been #2 or 3)

8.  Ready for the storm
(my brother, Josh Hawkins and I think Lori Beadie sand this in Gerig Hall at TU)

9.  Peace

10.  While the nations rage

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Christian Music #1 Evie

My first exposure to Christian Music was when I was in my mother's womb listening to her sing praise songs to Jesus.  Praising Jesus has always been a part of my life.  I am going to share in the next ten posts Christian Music that has been influential in my life to lead me to Jesus.

My mom played Evie records in our house growing up, and our favorite was "I may be 4 foot eleven but I'm going to heaven, and that makes me feel ten feet tall."