My mother used the A.C.T.S. prayer acronym for her prayer times and I have always liked the A.C.T.S. acronym of Adoration (Adoring God) Confession (Confession of sin) Thanksgiving and Supplication (Asking of people and things), and I have also prayed through the Lord's prayer as a guide as well, which has been extremely helpful. For a little over a year now I have been using an acronym that I developed through studying Richard Foster's book
Prayer. That book talked about different kinds of prayer, and I wanted those different kinds of prayer to be a part of my daily time with Jesus. So I developed an Acronym which started out as C.H.R.I.S.T.P.O.L.E. and to be honest I cannot remember what those stand for although I have it written down somewhere, but the whole acronym seeing the reference in John 3 that just as Moses lifted up the snake on a pole so would Jesus be lifted up. C.H.R.I.S.T.P.O.L.E. was too long and cumbersome for me, and so it was shortened to another acronym which has obvious meaning: T.R.I.N.I.T.Y. I write below what T.R.I.N.I.T.Y. stands for and in future posts I will write more on each one.
Thank You - thanking God for everything from breath to creation to the cross to my family
Real Life - I have permission to talk to God about anything, whether it be worries, anger, or a zit.
In Between - this is where I intercede for others, being the in between, standing in the gap
No other gods - this is where I tell God that He is my only God, not money, not family, not iPhone
Internal Exam - this is where I ask God to search my heart and I spend time listening
Take Me - this is where I offer myself fully to God each day, I give all of me
Yahweh's embrace - this is where I experience the love of God and sit in His presence.